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Kickstarter Stats 101: What's a "Normal Distribution"?
Before we perform any statistical test, we will want know if the data is normally distributed. This is very important, as...
Kickstarter Stats 101: The Meaning of Statistical “Significance”
I will use the word “significant” so many times in this blog that you will become sick of it! But...
Kickstarter Stats 101: A Little About The Kickstarter Data
First off, I compiled my data in August of 2014. I used only data that fell under the designation of “Tabletop...
Becoming a Genius #1 - Starting from Scratch
Since it's the most logical place to start, let's backtrack to my first week on board, and talk a little bit...
Chemistry Lesson #7 – Subatomic Particles – Particle Mass
In the last lesson we described a few ways to think about the difference between mass and weight. We also...
Chemistry Lesson #4 – Subatomic Particles (Part 1)
I love pulling my laundry out of the drier right after it finishes its cycle because this is when the...
Chemistry Lesson #6 – Subatomic Particles – The Difference between Mass and Weight
To recap, we know that everything you can see and touch, literally every physical object around you can be made...
Chemistry Lesson #3 – Making Sense of the Scale
If I were to show you only a very small section of a famous painting and then asked why this...